Nancy Popp

Developmental Psychologist and Coach

Kegan's developmental perspective has always been an integral part of my coaching-as a powerful support for my clients in navigating the challenges of their life and work. It provides a road map, if you will, to help them understand where they are, where they want to be, and, most importantly, how to get there. Like embarking on any journey, we cannot figure out our route without knowing where we are starting from. Paradoxically, being grounded in where we are actually gives us the stability, confidence, resilience, and vision to move forward. For me, this work has always been about understanding the importance of being understood. It is about being fully grounded exactly where we are. After 35 years of using this developmental perspective, it is still my gold standard.

  • Developmental Psychologist (Ed.D., Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA, USA)
  • Counseling and Consulting Psychologist (Ed.M., Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA, USA)
  • Developmental Coach
  • Foremost Subject-Object Interview (SOI) expert interviewer and scorer, master trainer and certifier
  • Adult Development Author, Educator, Researcher & Practitioner
  • Immunity to Change facilitator (Minds at Work, Cambridge, MA, USA)

Dr. Nancy Popp, Publications Overview

  • Hayes, S., & Popp, N. (2019). Constructive-developmental theory: A lens for team coaching. In D. Clutterbuck, J. Gannon, S. Hayes, I. Iordanou, K. Lowe, & D. MacKie (Eds.), The practitioner's handbook of team coaching (pp. 11-23). London, UK: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
  • McGuigan, R., & Popp, N. (2017). Integral conflict: The new science of conflict. Albany: SUNY Press.
  • Popp, N., & McGuigan, R. (2010). The shadow of borrowed language. Unpublished essay.
  • McGuigan, R., & Popp, N. (2012). Consciousness in conflict (Explained betterž). Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 29 (133), 227-260.
  • McGuigan, R., Popp, N., & DeLauer, V. (2009). The complexity of climate change and conflict resolution: Are we up to the challengež The Association for Conflict Resolution, 25 (2), 221-238.
  • Popp, N., & Portnow, K. (2001). Our developmental perspective on adulthood. NCSALL Reports, 19, 45-69.
  • McGuigan, R., & Popp, N. (2007). The self in conflict: The evolution of mediation. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 25(2), 221-238.
  • Kegan, R., Broderick, M., Drago-Severson, E., Helsing, D., Popp, N., & Portnow, K. (2001). "Toward a New Pluralism in ABE/ESOL Classrooms: Teaching to Multiple Cultures of Mind." National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy, Harvard University Graduate School of Education.
  • Drago-Severson, E., Helsing, D., Kegan, R., Broderick, M., Portnow, K., & Popp, N. (2001). Findings from the adult development research study. Focus on Basics: Connecting Research and Practice, 5 (B), 3-6.
  • Popp, N. (1996). Dimensions of psychological boundary development in adults. In M. L. Commons, J. Demick, & C. Goldberg (Eds.), Clinical approaches to adult development (pp. 145-174). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
  • Popp, N. (1993). The concept and phenomenon of psychological boundaries from a dialectical perspective. Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University.