Executive Coaching
One-on-one engagements focused on the coaching goals and growth that is most relevant and valuable to the individual and organization. Learning includes a suite of behavioral skills and strategies including new meta-level thinking skills that sharpen continued strategic reflection capacities and towards proactive challenge resolution.
An engagement starts by clarifying the values, strengths and interests that make up your professional “DNA”. This strengths-based anchor provides us with a clear “line-of-sight” for determining work strategies of (even) greater authenticity, ease and impact to put to use. Feedback and conversations provide a helpful reality check on areas you would like to develop in, to collaborate more fully with others on or to delegate. Thoughtful, critical inquiry of greater rigor and vigor results in new insights, options, opportunities and actions. Cutting-edge thought leadership, leadership or management models and best practices provide us with additional practical resources and knowledge you can reflect on and experiment with as you develop a new portfolio of personal strength-based approaches that serve the contexts in your specific situation.
Executive coaching topics can include growing in executive presence, leader and leadership development, removing limitations, obstacles and derailing behaviors, developing strengths and talents, high-performance, sparring on strategy, confidence, enhancing communication skills, achieving performance objectives, growth in emotional intelligence, greater inter-cultural intelligence, realizing career advancement or transition, optimizing onboarding, increasing political savvy, improving work-life balance, time management, and achieving greater authenticity and happiness.